Missing Person - Other
Mel Nadel
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09/06/2009 - Mel Nadel
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Date Missing: 09/06/2009 Missing from: Pecos, NM
Age Then: 61 Age Now: 76
Missing: September 6, 2009. Mel Nadel was last seen in the Elk Mountain area. Please contact the New Mexico State Police District 1 at (505)827-9300 with any information.
Date of Birth: 03/13/1948 Sex: Male Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5 ft 02 in Weight: 135 pounds
Hair Color: Black Race: White
Year: 2001 Make: Jeep Model:
Color: Lic. State: NM Lic. Plate: HKJ664
Contact Information
New Mexico Department of Public Safety Missing Person Hotline 1-800-457-3463