Missing Person - Endangered
Leroy Almanza
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10/17/2011 - LEROY ALMANZA
Date Missing: 03/09/2017 Missing from: Deming, NM
Age Then: 40 Age Now: 48
MISSING: Leroy Almanza was last seen March 9, 2017 in Deming, New Mexico. If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Leroy Almanza please contact the Deming Police Department at (575)546-3011.
Date of Birth: 01/17/1977 Sex: Male Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5 ft 07 in Weight: 155 pounds
Hair Color: Black Race: White
Scars, Marks, and Tattoos
Scar Back SCAR
Scar Face, unspecific SCAR
Scar Eye, left SCAR
Scar Shoulder, left SCAR
Tattoo Breast TATTOO
Tattoo Chest TATTOO
Tattoo Hand, left TATTOO
Tattoo Forearm, left TATTOO
Tattoo Arm, Right, nonspecific TATTOO
Tattoo Arm, left upper TATTOO
Contact Information
New Mexico Department of Public Safety Missing Person Hotline 1-800-457-3463