Missing Person - Endangered
Robert M Romero
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Image Date: 06/07/2000
Date Missing: 06/07/2000 Missing from: Santa Fe, NM
Age Then: 7 Age Now: 31
Missing: 06/07/2000 ENDANGERED MISSING. Robert was last seen on his way to a friend's home in the Bellemah area of Santa Fe, New Mexico. He was wearing blue jeans, white T-shirt and black and white tennis shoes. Robert has freckles. If any one has information on Robert Romero, please call the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-843-5678.
Date of Birth: 04/10/1993 Sex: Male Eye Color: Brown
Height: 4 ft 05 in Weight: 080 pounds
Hair Color: Brown Race: White
Jeans Blue
Shirt White Muscle
Shoes Black White
Contact Information
New Mexico Department of Public Safety Missing Person Hotline 1-800-457-3463