Missing Person - Other
Nicole Segura Vannatter
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05/10/2024 - VANNATTER, NICOLE
Date Missing: 05/23/2024 Missing from: Silver City, NM
Age Then: 29 Age Now: 29
Nicole Vannatter was last seen on 05-23-2024 in Silver City, New Mexico. If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Nicole Vannatter please contact Grant Couty County Sheriffs Office at (575)574-0100.
Date of Birth: 05/23/1995 Sex: Female Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5 ft 10 in Weight: 153 pounds
Hair Color: Blond Or Strawberry Race: White
Scars, Marks, and Tattoos
Tattoo Finger(s), left hand TATTOO
Contact Information
New Mexico Department of Public Safety Missing Person Hotline 1-800-457-3463