Welcome To New Mexico Missing Person Information Page

The New Mexico Department of Public Safety (DPS) developed this site according to the requirements of the New Mexico State Statute, Article 15, section 29-15-3 [ Search Statute Online][Help (pdf)]. The DPS serves as the Missing Persons Information Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse is a central repository on missing persons and shall be used by all law enforcement agencies, including tribal agencies, in New Mexico. This web page was created to provide information to the public concerning abducted missing persons in the State of New Mexico. The DPS hopes this site will increase and promote public awareness. The integrity and accuracy of the information is based on the information provided. If you believe there is a question regarding the accuracy of the information provided, please notify the DPS at (505) 827-9297 or via e-mail at dps.missingperson@state.nm.us
If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of any abducted missing persons, please contact your local law enforcement agency or New Mexico State Police.

Other Important Missing Person Links

When your child is missing: A family Survival Guide

Cuando su Nino Desaparece: Una Gula Para la Supervivencia de la Familia

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Suzanne's Law